Qualified IT Leads – Needing Both Budget And Payment

Knowing the budget of a prospect while qualifying your leads for IT products is a given. However, there is more to it than just knowing that a prospect can afford working with you. You should also consider how that budget is the result of how they intend to pay for your services. Neglecting otherwise could mean your leads would result in deals not worth making (at least not right away).


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Sales Lead Generation Tips – Know When The Land turns Dry

The relationship between today’s marketers and the Google search engine has always been a turbulent one. However, this relationship is just but one of the many the search-engine giant has with the rest of the world. And while you can argue that marketers have quite an impact on the development of its search engine, the impact of other influences shouldn’t be underestimated. You have the views of those using the system to locate information. You also have those taking it further by calling legal actions and controversies against the giant (just search “Right to be forgotten”).

Hence, it’s important that your sales lead generation strategy is prepared for the worst: when the land of SEO is no longer fertile because of it.


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Appointment Setter: Words are your weapon

Have you heard the phrase ‘WE WANT YOU’ that is currently being used by the military to recruit teenage boys to join the army? Well if you ask me, I would be pleased to join the army, not because I want to, but because they need me, and of course to protect my country. But a little fact that you should know, those three words, can get you a sale.

Look at those three words; ‘We’ ‘Want’ ‘You’ does that give you any idea why these words can get you a sale? Of course you did but if you didn’t then I guess you’re not into business or marketing at all. There are so many words that can get you a sale, in which you can even have a successful appointment setting and even a B2B transaction.

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Telemarketing Tip: Conceal, don’t feel

Telemarketing requires you to hold emotions that might get you fired once you don’t know how to conceal it, so you won’t feel.

Frozen is so last, last year, and it’s been overrun by Big hero 6 which is also so last year. What’s new now is Inside Out, a movie about an 11-years old emotion, Happiness, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger.


I honestly haven’t watched the movie and only read the reviews they’re getting and I honestly want to say, I want to watch it so badly. It tackles the emotions which also being studied in psychology course. I love to study this
kind of things, behavior of people and what’s on their mind, even though it’s 55% predicting and 45% analyzing.


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T.K.N: Carelessly going for Cash Advance business

What do you do if you’re unsure of the outcome? Simple; you just keep on going until you get the most unexpected result you’ve been waiting for.”

Aside from these small talks, we need to focus on what’s on hand here, and that’s Lead Generation and Appointment Setting. On the other hand, we might want to gather a little info on Cash Advance Services. So where should we begin? I mean we don’t just want to go around weaponless do we? So let’s start with the hardest one, Cash Advance Service.

When we say Cash advance, it speaks for itself. Cash plus Advance equals Cash Advance services, am I right? Nope, it’s more than that. We are talking about businesses that only wants a deduction of what the businesses products or services it gives and of course the interest in their Cash Advance. Unlike in banking terms, Cash Advance Businesses doesn’t go with “You’ll have 5 years to pay this loan” Unless, if the business owner bring it up, then the business owner will decide whether when they can pay in full, if not then it’s not a problem, they just have a discount in every services and products you have and the interest will still be there.


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Stand Where Interested Prospects Can See You

Appointment setting campaigns (especially inbound ones) tend to start by just standing around for a bit before engaging prospects. But suppose that your appointment setting campaign was actual people on the street with signs promoting your business. Which part of the street do they stand? Obviously, wherever they can be seen! Unfortunately, this concept is lost in most appointment setting strategies when it comes to where customers really look.
Your Appointment Setting Campaign Must Be In All Streets (Virtual Ones Included)

Take mobile for example. Now if your business was something like, say, an energy procurement firm you would wonder why it would matter. You presume that the streets for your sales prospecting campaign are those set close to those mulling over their energy bills, not browsing their phones or iPad.

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How To Engage Lead Nurturing Properly in you Campaign

Not all of the leads you receive will be ready to buy right away. Some will take a few weeks, a few months or even longer before they will be serious about making a purchase. That’s why you need a lead nurturing program. A lead nurturing program will keep your name in front of these leads and, over time, will help to build trust and credibility with your prospects.lead nurturing

Short-term vs. long-term

Your nurturing program will have both a short-term and long-term component. When leads start coming in, it’s important to start lead nurturing right away. Strike will the iron is hot, as they say. When prospects respond, you are on their radar at least for a short period of time. Don’t miss this opportunity. Several months later, you’ll still many leads that haven’t converted – but you still want to stay in touch.


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Why Targeted Sales Leads Can Sometimes Be Better than Public Attention

In this day and age, most marketers still think that the best way to maximize the number of potential clients is being as popular as you can.


And to an extent, there are a lot of facts supporting this idea. Companies like Salesforce and Goldman Sachs are well known faces in the business world. They’re big brands, wield a tremendous amount of influence, and get tons of press coverage (both good and bad).


Although, that doesn’t mean you’re set up to lose when you’d rather generate a substantial amount of sales leads without necessarily being a public face.


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